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VII. Litigation Materials from Key Cases

Litigation Materials offers key pleadings, motions, orders, and documents from 21st-century lawsuits and agency actions that have influenced the current state of college sports or may influence its future.

A. White v NCAA (2006-2008; federal class-action antitrust; full cost of attendance [“FCOA”]; case settled in full)

1.District Ct. 

Athletes’ Motion to Approve Settlement (7/14/2008)

Athletes’ Brief in Support of Attorneys’ Fees (7/14/2008)

Final Order Approving Settlement (8/5/2008)

B. O’Bannon v NCAA (2009 - 2016, federal class-action antitrust; name, image and likeness; damages settlement; trial on injunctive relief)

1. District Ct.

Athletes’ Complaint (7/21/2009)

NCAA Motion to Dismiss (“MTD”; 10/13/2009)

Athletes’ Response to NCAA MTD (10/27/2009)

NCAA Reply to MTD (11/3/2009)

Order Denying NCAA MTD (2/8/2010)

Final Judgment (Findings of Fact/Conclusion of Law; 8/8/2014)

Permanent Injunction (8/8/2014)

O’Bannon/Keller Proposed Settlement Terms (5/3/2014)

O’Bannon Attorneys Fees Order (7/13/2015)

O’Bannon/Keller Settlement Number 2 Without O’Bannon (8/18/2015

O’Bannon/Keller Order Approving Settlement (8/19/2015)

2. Ninth Circuit

NCAA Brief with Excerpts of Record (11/14/2014)

Athletes’ Brief with Excerpts of Record (1/21/2015)

NCAA Reply Brief with Excerpts of Record (2/11/2015)

Ninth Circuit Opinion (9/30/2015)

3. U.S. Supreme Court

Athletes’ Petition for Review (3/14/2016)

NCAA Response Brief to Petition (5/13/2016)

Athletes’ Reply Brief (5/26/2016)

S. Ct Denies Petition (10/3/2016)


C. Northwestern University NLRB (2014-2015; football; petition for unionization; employee status)

1. Regional Board (Hearing Transcripts, Order Directing Election)

Hearing Transcript #1 (2/2/2014)

Hearing Transcript #2 (2/18/2014)

Hearing Transcript #3 (2/19/2014)

Hearing Transcript #4 (2/20/2014)

Hearing Transcript #5 (2/21/2014)

Regional Director Decision and Direction of Election (3/26/2014) 

2. National Board (Friend of the Court Briefs, Decision)

Natl. Board Decision on Review and Order (8/17/2015)

Friend of Court Briefs (all filed 7/3/2014)

Amer. Ass. Univ. Presidents

Amer. Council on Education

Amer. Assn for Protection of Collegiate Athletes 

Baylor University et al.

Big Ten Conference

Higher Education Council

Ivy Schools and Amer. Assn. Universities

Labor Law Professors

Notre Dame et al.

Natl. Assn. Collegiate Directors of Athletics


Professional Players’ Unions

Senate HELP and House Education Committees

D. Alston/Jenkins/In re Grant-in-Aid Cap Litigation (2014 - 2021; federal class-action antitrust; Alston full cost of attendance [“FCOA”]; Jenkins all compensation limits; Alston and Jenkins consolidated into In re Grant-in-Aid Cap Litigation; settlement of Alston FCOA; trial on injunctive relief; injunctive relief pared down to education benefits per Ninth Circuit O’Bannon ruling)

1. District Ct(s) (Northern District CA; NJ District; consolidated to CA)

Alston Complaint (FCOA; ND CA; 3/5/2014)

Jenkins Complaint (all compensation limits; DC NJ; 3/17/2014)

Alston Motion to Transfer Jenkins to ND CA (3/19/2014)

Alston-Jenkins Multidist. Lit. Panel Decision to Transfer Jenkins to CA (6/13/2014; case renamed to In Re Grant-in-Aid Cap Litigation)

NCAA Motion to Dismiss (“MTD”; 9/4/2014)

Athletes’ (Alston/FCOA class) Response to MTD (9/18/2014)

Athletes’ (Jenkins/all comp. limits) Response to MTD (9/18/2014)

Order Denying NCAA MTD (10/1/2014)

Alston/Jenkins Coordination of Cases Stipulation and Response to Ninth Circuit O’Bannon Decision (10/8/2015)

NCAA Motion for Summary Judgment (“MSJ”; 9/29/2017)

Alston FCOA Class Settlement Order (12/6/2017)

Alston FCOA Settlement Class Attorneys fees/Coasts Order (12/6/2017)

Athletes’ Joint Response to NCAA MSJ and Cross-Motion for SJ (11/7/2017)

Order Granting in Part and Denying Cross-Motions for SJ (3/28/2018)

Final Judgment - Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (3/8/2019)

Permanent Injunction (3/8/2019)

Order on Attorneys Fees/Costs (12/23/2019)

2. Ninth Circuit

NCAA Brief (8/16/2019)

Athletes Response Brief and Cross-Appeal (10/23/2019)

NCAA Response/Reply Brief (12/23/2019)

Ninth Circuit Opinion (5/18/2020)

3. U.S. Supreme Court

I. NCAA Main Brief on the Merits (2/1/2021)

II. Select Friend of the Court Briefs Supporting the NCAA’s Position

American Council on Education and Ten Other Higher Education Associations (February 5, 2021)

Antitrust Economists (February 8, 2021)

Antitrust Law and Business School Professors (February 8, 2021)

Former Student-Athletes (February 8, 2021)

III. Athletes’ Brief in Response to NCAA (March 3, 2021)

IV. Select Friend of Court Briefs Supporting Athletes

Historians (March 10, 2021)

Sports Economists (March 10, 2021)

Former NCAA Executives (March 10, 2021)

African American Antitrust Lawyers (March 10, 2021)

Dr. Ellen J. Staurowsky, Dr. Eddie Comeaux, et al. (March 10, 2021)

Players Associations of the National Football League (March 10, 2021)

V. NCAA Reply to Athletes’ Response (March 19, 2021)

VI. Oral Argument and Opinion of Court

Oral Argument Audio (March 31, 2021)

Oral Argument Transcript (March 31, 2021)

Opinion of the Court (June 21, 2021)

E. Johnson v NCAA (2019 - present; class action for benefits under the Fair Labor Standards Act [“FLSA”]; employee status and “joint employer” liability)

1. District Ct. (Eastern District PA)

Athletes’ Complaint (12/12/2019)

NCAA Motion to Dismiss (“MTD”; 3/9/2020)

Attended Schools’ MTD (3/9/2020)

Athletes’ Response to NCAA MTD (4/6/2020)

Athletes’ Response to Attended Schools’ MTD (4/6/2020)

NCAA Brief on Impact of Alston S.Ct. Decision (7/6/2021)

Athletes’ Brief on Impact of Alston S.Ct. Decision (7/6/2021)

Order Denying Attended School’s MTD (8/25/2021)

Order Denying NCAA MTD (9/22/2021)


2. Third Circuit

NCAA Petition for Interlocutory Appeal (1/7/2022)

Athletes’ Brief in Opposition to Interlocutory Appeal (1/18/2022)

Order Granting Interlocutory Appeal/Question Presented (2/3/2022) 

NCAA Brief on Merits (5/31/2022)

Athletes’ Brief on Merits (7/14/2022)

Transcript of Oral Argument (2/15/2023)

American Council on Education Friend of Court Brief (6/7/2022)

Southeastern Conference Friend of the Court Brief (6/7/2022)

Professor Mike LeRoy Friend of the Court Brief (7/14/2022)

F. House v NCAA/Oliver v NCAA (2020 - present; federal class action antitrust; name, image, and likeness including broadcast media NIL; cases consolidated)

1. District Ct. (Northern District CA)

House Complaint (6/15/2020)

Oliver Complaint (7/8/2020)

House NCAA Motion to Dismiss (“MTD” 9/11/2020)

Exhibits to NCAA MTD (9/11/2020)

Athletes’ Response to NCAA MTD (10/9/2020)

Order Denying NCAA MTD (6/24/21; three days post-Alston S. Ct. decision)

Order Consolidating House and Oliver (7/14/2021)

Athletes’ Amended Complaint (7/26/2021; post-Alston; post-NCAA Interim NIL Pol.)

Athletes’ Motion and Brief for Class certification (10/21/2022)

NCAA Brief Opposing Class Certification (4/28/2023)

  Greg Sankey Affidavit Opposing Class Certification (4/28/2023)

Litigation Scheduling Order (3/27/2023)

Order Certifying Injunction Class(es) (9/22/2023)

Order Certifying Damages Class(es) (11/3/2023)

Omnibus Order Granting Motion to Seal Documents (11/22/23)

Athletes Motion for Summary Judgment and Brief in Support (4/3/2024)

Stipulation Extending Briefing on Dispositive Motions on the Merits (5/6/2024)

2. Ninth Circuit

NCAA Petition for Interlocutory Appeal (11/17/2023)

Athletes’ Response to NCAA Petition (12/5/2023)

NCAA Reply to Athletes’ Response (12/15/2023)

Order Denying NCAA’s Petition (1/18/2024)

3. Settlement

Athletes’ Second Amended Complaint (7/26/2024)

Athletes’ Second Amended Complaint Red-lined (7/26/2024)

Athletes’ Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval with Exhibits (7/26/2024)

Joint Athlete/NCAA/P5 Motion to Shorten Time for Preliminary Settlement Approval (7/30/2024)

Ivy League Athletes’ (Choh) Opposition to Preliminary Settlement Approval (8/8/2024)

Fontenot Athletes’ Opposition to Preliminary Settlement Approval (8/9/2024)

Female Athletes’ Opposition to Preliminary Settlement Approval (8/9/2024)

Athletes’ Reply to Settlement Objections (8/16/2024)

G. USC/Pac-12/NCAA NLRB (2022; misclassification, joint employer)

1. Regional Board

Athletes’ Charge (2/8/2022)

NLRB General Counsel Complaint and Notice of Hearing (5/18/2023)

NCAA Answer to Complaint (10/27/2023)

USC Answer to Complaint (10/27/2023)

NLRB General Counsel Response to NCAA Motion to Dismiss (11/3/2023)

H. Hubbard v NCAA (2023 - pending; federal class-action antitrust; “back” Alston education benefits; damages and injunctive relief)

1. District Ct. (Northern District CA)

Athletes’ Complaint (4/4/2023)

NCAA Answer to Complaint (6/9/2023)

Litigation Scheduling Order (11/3/2023)

Athletes’ Motion for Class Certification (2/2/2024)

NCAA Brief in Opposition to Athletes’ Motion to Certify Class (3/27/2024)

Athletes’ Reply Brief on Motion to Certify Class (4/22/2024)

2. Settlement

Athletes’ Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (7/26/2024)

I. Dartmouth College NLRB (2023; men’s basketball; employee status; unionization)

1. Regional Board

Athletes’ Petition (9/13/2023)

Dartmouth Post-Hearing Brief (10/27/2023)

Athletes’ Post-Hearing Brief (10/27/2023)

Regional Director’s Decision and Direction of Election (2/5/2024)

J. Bewley v NCAA (2023)

1. District Ct. (ND IL)

Athletes’ Complaint (11/1/2023)

Athletes’ Motion for TRO and Preliminary Injunction (11/1/.2023)

NCAA Brief in Opposition to TRO and Preliminary Injunction (11/13/2023)

Order Denying Athletes’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction (1/10/2024)

K. Fontenot v NCAA (2023)

1. District Ct. (D. CO)

Athletes’ Complaint (11/20/2023)

Multidistrict Panel Order Denying Transfer of Case to ND CA to Join Carter (4/11/2024)

NCAA.P5 Motion to Transfer Venue to ND CA (4/19/2024)

Athletes Brief in Opposition to NCAA Motion to Transfer (5/3/2024)

NCAA and Power 5 Reply Brief on NCAA Motion to Transfer (5/10/2024)

L. Schroeder v NCAA (2023 - pending; federal class-action; Title IX; damages and injunctive relief)

1.  District Ct. (Eastern District OR)

Athletes’ Complaint (12/1/2023)

Univ. Oregon Answer to Athletes’ Complaint (3/4/2024)

M. Carter v NCAA (2023 - pending; federal class-action antitrust; challenges all NCAA compensation limits similar to the original claims in Jenkins/Alston; damages and injunctive relief)

1. District Ct. (Northern District CA)

Athletes’ Complaint (12/7/2023)

Related Cases Order (12/15/2023)

Order Reassigning Case to Judge Richard Seeborg (12/18/2024)

Consent Order to Stay Proceedings Pending MultiDistrict Transfer Request (1/24/2024)

Athletes’ Request to Multidistrict Litigation Panel to Transfer Fontenot to ND CA (1/29/2024)

Fontenot Athletes’ Motion to Intervene to Transfer Case to Colorado (2/7/2024)

Carter Athletes’ Brief Opposing Fontenot Athletes’ Motion to Intervene and Transfer (2/21/2024)

NCAA and Power 5 Brief Opposing Fontenot Athletes’ Motion to Intervene and Transfer (2/21/2024)

Order Denying Fontenot Athletes’ Motion to Transfer Carter to Colorado (4/29/2024)

N. State of Ohio et. al., v NCAA (2023 - pending; federal; transfer rules; temporary restraining order [“TRO”], preliminary injunction, and permanent injunction)

1. District Ct. (Northern District WV)

Ohio et al. Complaint (12/7/2023)

Battle Complaint (12/8/2023)

NCAA Response Brief to Ohio TRO Request (12/12/2023)

NCAA Response Brief to Battle TRO Request (12/13/2023)

Order Granting TRO and Preliminary Injunction (12/13/2023)

Parties’ Joint Motion to Convert the TRO to a Preliminary Injunction, to Vacate the Scheduled Prelim. Inj. Hearing and to Vacate Expedited Discovery (12/15/2023)

Order on Joint Motions and Athlete Eligibility Pending Final Outcome (12/18/2023)

Ohio et al. Amended Complaint (adding D.C., MS, MN, VA, and the United States; 1/18/2024)

O. Atlantic Coast Conference v Board of Trustees of Florida State University (2023 - pending; state court NC; ACC Grant of Rights; breach of contract, declaratory judgment)

1. Superior Ct. Mecklenburg County (Charlotte)

ACC Complaint (12/21/2023)

P. Board of Trustees of Florida State University v Atlantic Coast Conference (2023 - pending; state court FL; ACC Grant of Rights; state antitrust, breach of contract)

1. Circuit Ct. Leon County (Tallahassee)

FSU Complaint (12/22/2023)

Q. Tennessee v. NCAA (2024 - pending; federal antitrust suit challenging NCAA NIL-related enforcement action against University of Tennessee)

1. District Ct. (Eastern District TN)

Tennessee et al. Complaint (1/31/2024)

Tennessee et al. Motion and Brief for Temporary Restraining Order and Prelim. Injunction

Exhibit C: Sports Economist Andy Schwarz’s Declaration

  Exhibit D: NCAA D-I Council Standardized NIL Contract and Registry

Exhibit F: University of Tennessee President’s Letter to NCAA

Exhibit K: NCAA 2021-2022 Consolidated Financial Statements

Exhibit S: NCAA Florida State NIL-related Infractions Decision

Order Denying Motion for Temporary Restraining Order (2/6/2024)

Order Granting Motion for Preliminary Injunction (2/23/2024)