The Settlement Objection Documents

The DYK Objections/Concerns Spreadsheet contains documents submitted to the Court since the objection period opened on December 17th, 2024.

The spreadsheet allows stakeholders to see the full range of objections raised.

 The Spreadsheet is a work in progress. We will be updating it as the approval process moves forward.

Here is a column-by-column explanation of the material in the spreadsheet:

Column A: Objections/Statements of Concern

This column contains all of the submissions with a link to each. When you click on a document, you will see a pop-up link that will take you directly to the document.


Column B: Filing Category

This section breaks the documents into four broad categories:(1) “formal objections” filed through the Court’s electronic filing system where counsel represents athletes, and the filings conform to federal and Court rules for official filings; (2) “objection letters” where athletes (and in some cases, parents) have filed letters stating their objections (most without legal counsel and some though legal counsel); (3) “letters of concerns” where athletes individually or as a group (some parents as well) express concerns about the settlement but do not appear to make a substantive objection; and (4) “amicus briefs/letters” where parties without legal standing to make an objection share their concerns.


Column C: Athlete name or anonymous

Column D: Athlete status (current/former)


Column E: Sports Represented

Most of the acronyms will be familiar and identified by gender. “PWO” means preferred walk-on.


Column F: Conferences Represented

These acronyms should be familiar. Conference affiliation is determined by the timeframe in which an athlete competes. For example, a Stanford athlete who participated while Stanford was in the Pac-12 is identified as a Pac-12 athlete. A Stanford athlete who competed after Stanford joined the ACC is identified as an ACC athlete. For athletes who transferred schools, both schools/conferences are included.


Column G: Legal Counsel (if applicable)


Column H: Specific Settlement Document/Provisions Implicated

This column identifies (if ascertainable) what aspect of the settlement the objection relates to.


Column I: Substantive and Normative Objections/Concerns

This column identifies the rationale for the objection, both legal and values-based. 

Column J: Experts/Expert Reports

This section identifies the experts who have submitted opinions supporting a particular objection and provides a briefly describes the subject matter.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please get in touch with us at


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